Crooked nose: causes and Treatment

why I Am Crooked Noses

Crooked Nose, Individuals who exhibit these characteristics are typically firmly anchored in their principles and life values, making them outstanding companions, friends, partners, or parents. They approach conversations with a calm listening manner, preferring deliberate comments over hurried conclusions. Their talent is in making people feel heard and validated. Though they are not likely to assert authority, their modest character should be noticed. While they may not like being treated like a doormat, their simplicity should not be misunderstood.

They may exhibit an outer shell of stubbornness or aloofness in public or while judging situations, which is more of a protective facade. Individuals with noses have even acquired celebrity status, implying that it could be a distinct and memorable facial trait.

Introduction To Crooked Shape Nose

The human nose is a remarkable feature that not only plays an important role in our sense of smell but also significantly affects our facial aesthetics, although noses come in all shapes and sizes. Where as a long nose is a prominent feature due to its distinctive shape

Crooked Nose

Crooked nose is also known as deviated nose. It is characterized by a prominent curvature or misalignment of the bridge of the nose. This deviation greatly affects facial harmony and overall appearance, possibly leading to self-consciousness in individuals. Here are some celebrities with deviated noses:

  • Lance Bass
  • Patrick Dempsey
  • Shia Labeouf
  • Zac Efron
  • Bruce Jenner
Crooked Nose
Crooked Nose

Crooked Nose
Crooked Nose

Nose Effects on Aesthetics and Psychology

The aesthetic effect of a deviated nose can vary from person to person. Some people embrace their unique features and are happy while others may face self-esteem issues or social problems due to their appearance. Addressing a deviated nose has positive psychological effects and boosts self-esteem.

I’ve always felt if my nose were more crooked, critics would focus more on my acting

Tim Daly

Different Causes of deviated Nose

A deviated septum, trauma, birth abnormalities, or a deviated nose are all examples of nasal deformities. It could be to the right or left of the face, slightly C-shaped, S-shaped, or both. There are several degrees of severity for crooked noses, from hardly perceptible to spectacularly obvious.

1. Trauma: One of the most important causes of the nose is physical trauma. Accidents such as falls or sports injuries can cause the nasal bone to become displaced or fractured, resulting in a pronounced deviation.

2. Congenital factors: Some people are born with a deviated septum or nasal cartilage that contributes to the development of a nose over time.

3. Natural aging: As we age, there are changes in structure, which can result in changes in the shape of the nose, resulting in a crooked shape.

4. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as cleft lip and palate, can affect the development of the labial ridge, leading to a nose on a possible fracture.

A broken nose that didn’t heal properly, congenital deformities, or a deviated septum are just a few of the causes of noses. It could be important to discuss your worries with a doctor if your self-esteem is being affected by the shape of your nose.

The conversation ran as fluidly as the tea out of the samovar’s crooke nose.

Richard Zoumalan M.D. F.A.C.S.
433 N. Camden Drive Suite 1090,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Crooke nose features

A deviated nose can manifest in different ways:

Asymmetry: The nose appears asymmetrical in that one side of the bridge is higher or more pronounced than the other.

Nasal Obstruction: A debilitating condition often associated with a stuffy nose can lead to difficulty breathing due to blocked airways.

Curvature of the nose: Curvature of the bridge of the nose may be evident when viewed from the front or in profile

Non-aligned nostrils: In some cases, the underlying structural deviation may cause the nostrils to appear uneven or misaligned.

why is my nose deviate ?

By straightening the nose, septoplasty surgery, sometimes refer to as defective septum crooke nose surgery by the general population, corrects a septum that is deviate. Your surgeon will reshape and align the bone and cartilage in the middle of your nose during surgery, which may also assist in clearing blocked nasal passages.


While this nose is distinctive in look, it can negatively affect a person’s self-esteem and happiness in general. There are both non-surgical and surgical treatments available for this problem, regardless of whether it brought on by trauma, inherent factors, or aging. The first step to creating a smoother and more aesthetically pleasing nasal profile, which aids people in regaining their self-esteem and feeling at ease in their own skin, is consulting with a doctor.